Africana Studies hosts panel discussion on race cases in the US Supreme Court's current term

June 20, 2013

Africana Studies is pleased to announce another Charlie Morrisey Research Hall event.  We will present an informal BYOL event on the race cases in the US Supreme Court's current term.  This week the Court decided the first of two voting rights cases.  The case was Arizona v. Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc. in which the Court struck down Arizona's law requiring proof of citizenship in order to vote in federal elections.  Today the Supreme Court decided Shelby County v. Holder and freed states covered by it from the pre-clearance provision of Section 5 of the 1965 Voting Rights Act.  It also decided Adoptive Parents v. Baby Girl ruling that the Indian Child Welfare Act did not bar termination of the rights of the biological father.  Yesterday, it decided Fisher v. University of Texas holding that the lower courts did not properly apply the strict scrutiny standard to UT’s affirmative action policy.  The two same-sex marriage cases, US v. Windsor (Defense of Marriage Act) and Hollignsworth v. Perry (California's Proposition 8) remain to be decided.

 The event will be in the Charlie Morrisey Research Hall, 4th Floor, Mesa Vista Hall, at noon on Friday, June 28, 2013.  Professor Alfred Mathewson will be joined by Africana’s Dr. Jamal Martin, Professor George Bach, Professor Emerita Margaret Montoya and Professor Jeannette Wolfley of the UNM Law School, Prof and Dr. Kathy Powers of the UNM Political Science Department.  The interdisciplinary panel will give their reactions to the decisions.